DiceKeys DICEKEY-2020-1 Security Keys

DiceKeys DICEKEY-2020-1 Security Keys provide 196 bits of security using 25 custom dice and a rugged holder. Built to last a lifetime, DiceKeys can be read by almost any smartphone, tablet, or computer. Or, you can use your own eyes to read each face by its letter, digit, and orientation relative to the box.

Each DiceKey die has 6 faces with 4 possible orientations of each die relative to the top of the box. To create a security key, the user rolls the dice into the plastic box then snaps the lid closed to permanently lock them into place. The user then scans the dice box with the DiceKeys app. The DiceKeys app generates a cryptographic key based on the dice.

After the dice are scanned, the app then offers to use the key it generates to derive an ultra-long, purely random passphrase that can be cut and pasted into a password manager as its master password. The DiceKeys app doesn't store the key it creates from scanning the dice, the master password, or anything else. But it can always regenerate the key and password on command by re-scanning the DiceKeys box.

DiceKeys App

The DiceKeys app is available for iOS from the App Store and for Android devices from Google Play. A stand-alone Web browser app is also available. All the software is open-source, with the code accessible via GitHub.

Security Strength

DiceKeys provide 196 bits of security, as a result of having 25 factorial placements of unique letters (dice) to positions in the box, 6 faces of each die, and 4 possible orientations of each die relative to the top of the box.

  • 25 unique dice (letters) assigned to 25 positions: 25
  • 6 possible faces (digits) exposed by each die: x 625
  • 4 possible orientations of each exposed face: x 425
  • 4 possible orientations of box reduced to one*: / 41
  • Security strength: 2196 + ε (> 196 bits)

*To generate secrets consistently even if the DiceKeys are scanned sideways or rotated upside down, the DiceKey software rotates the DiceKey to a canonical orientation before deriving secrets from it.

Kit Contents

  • 25 custom dice
  • One-time lockable enclosure
  • Carrying bag


SticKeys Backup Stickers

DiceKeys DICEKEY-2020-1 Security Keys

SticKeys (STICKEY-2020-1) are an easy-to-use set of stickers that can be used to back up your DiceKey. The SticKeys Kit includes five sticker sheets and one target sheet. The completed target sheet is compatible with the software used to read actual DiceKeys.

Step 1

DiceKeys DICEKEY-2020-1 Security Keys

Step 2

DiceKeys DICEKEY-2020-1 Security Keys

Step 3

DiceKeys DICEKEY-2020-1 Security Keys
Publicado: 2021-04-19 | Actualizado: 2022-03-11